Hybrid Office Document Management: Best Practices for Business

Remote work has pretty much become the norm over the course. Mny companies continue employing a hybrid model of some office-based operations, supported by a remote workforce.

According to a recent PricewaterhouseCoopers survey, remote work has been classified as overwhelming success by most. This shift has been a positive move according to 83 percent of employers, as compared to 73 percent one year earlier.

The same survey concludes that the office is here to stay but that its role is going to change.

This is where the hybrid office model comes in. PricewaterhouseCoopers has concluded that a hybrid office will likely become the norm in the near future. According to 68 percent of executives, people should spend at least three days per week at the office but they should also benefit from more flexibility than before.

If you’re considering the permanent introduction of a hybrid office, some adjustments will need to be made. Hybrid office document management comes with specifics that you should be ready to tackle. Introducing the right system will give workers functionality and ease of access, allowing better productivity and a higher level of engagement (regardless of the location).

The Right Hybrid Office Document Management System

This one is an obvious but the right document management system is the backbone of hybrid work.

You need a solution that employs online, cloud-based document storage. A system that can be employed remotely gives everyone the chance to access essential documentation and make required changes to the archive.

Many such solutions exist already. In fact, cloud-based services have grown exponentially and today, they’re pretty much the norm.

Regardless of your company’s size or field of operation, you’ll find at least a few document management platforms that cater to your needs. What matters is doing the research in advance and understanding the capabilities. Comparing solutions side by side and testing out demo versions will simplify the process of picking and being confident in your choice.

Automated Workflow Creation

Data entry, indexing, retrieval, and modifications can all be cumbersome processes.

When a hybrid work model is employed, things can become more confusing than ever before. If employees aren’t all together, you risk dealing with discrepancies that increase the chance of errors and important data loss.

If you plan to make the hybrid office a permanent thing, automated document management workflows will need to be introduced for a successful business.

Data entry, indexing, and retrieval automation will standardize procedures across the board. This way, hybrid office document management will employ universal procedures and the risk of human error will be taken down significantly.

Think of the workflows and automation possibilities that make the most sense within your line of work. Also, make sure that procedural guides and staff training have been carried out to introduce everyone to the brand-new document management capabilities.

Access Control and Levels

Some companies worry that remote access to document archives will increase vulnerabilities.

This can pretty much be the case if the right safeguards aren’t in place.

Good hybrid office document management solutions provide an array of security features that can be activated and customized on the go.

Access control should be introduced to give people a chance to review, edit and modify only the information required to do their job. Sensitive document restrictions through encryption or passwords (or by making people capable of viewing without editing) are available with most document management systems today.

It’s also a good idea to choose a solution that maintains a detailed activity log. A log can help you find out who has accessed a certain file and how the document has been modified. In the event of an issue, such a log can prove to be life-saving.

Expansion Capabilities

Last but not least, pick a hybrid office document management solution that provides sufficient growth capabilities.

If you decide to make the hybrid office a permanent thing, your document management needs will change in the years to come.

Chances are that you’ll require more resources, more complex functionalities, and intelligent indexing solutions aimed at the easy classification and management of an extensive archive.

Most cloud-based systems offer a lot of flexibility when it comes to scaling up. You shouldn’t, however, take such options for granted. When planning document management, think of your long-term needs. Just because a platform is perfect for your business right now, does not mean it will be optimal in five or 10 years.

The hybrid office gives everyone a lot of flexibility and a chance to do work in more efficient ways. To benefit from its characteristics, however, you have to be prepared.

Remote document management is one of the biggest essentials for your hybrid office to work. Once you have it in place and you’re satisfied with the procedures, you can start thinking about the modifications of other workflow aspects.