If you’re asking yourself the question how to scan large amounts of documents quickly, you’ve come to the right place. The following guide will acquaint you with the hacks, technologies and professional solutions bound to deliver fast results even if you have to digitize a humongous paper-based archive.
How to Scan Large Amounts of Documents Quickly: Bulk Scanning Services
The average office is still heavily dependent on paper. Stats show that the typical US worker uses 10,000 sheets of paper per year and the average document is copied 10 times.
That’s why scanning can be a large volume job for many enterprises. The first time that a company starts digitizing, it may end up having to handle an overwhelming task. Not only will it necessitate the acquisition of the right technology, such a job will also require lots of man hours – time that can be dedicated to much more strategic tasks.
Choosing to go the professional bulk scan route is one of the best ways to handle the situation in the most effective manner.
Bulk scanning is a service that’s designed to cover a large volume of paper in a fairly short amount of time. For speed and convenience, on-site document scanning can be offered. Companies that offer such solutions usually rely on high-volume scanners that deliver exceptional output.
This professional solution saves time and it can even save money. Getting a paper-based archive digitized quickly reduces clutter, increases efficiency and brings down the risk of human error in relationship to document management.
To make the most of this opportunity, you’ll simply need to work on finding the right team for the job. You can do a couple of things in order to determine how well a certain solution is suited to your project.
Seek Equipment or Look for Large Scale Scanning Near Me?
Some companies may choose to hire the equipment required to perform large volume scanning on a regular basis.
Such an investment makes sense for business entities that know they’ll have to deal with the scanning of large amounts of documents on a regular basis.
If this condition doesn’t apply to you, buying specialized equipment like a production scanner with an automatic document feeder isn’t going to make sense.
For a start, specialized equipment designed to handle large volumes of documents can be expensive. You’ll also need to train staff members on using the machine and making the most of it.
In case you’re only going to go through large volume scanning only once or every few years, investment in technology and staff training doesn’t really make sense. Large scale scanning services are readily available and you can outsource such tasks. You’ll yield an excellent return on investment. Additionally, professionals will probably handle the project much faster than you would on your own (even if you have a dedicated staff member who only handles the task).
Prepare and Prioritize
To give you a more comprehensive answer on the question how to scan large amounts of documents quickly, we have a couple of practical tips.
A good and fast outcome isn’t just dependent on the speed of scanning itself. The work that you do before the digitization commences is going to play an even more important role.
To get the project properly organized, you’ll have to prioritize and prepare your documents.
In terms of prioritizing, go through the archive to determine what documents can be discarded, what documents are going to be kept as paper copies and which ones are going to be scanned and digitized. This may seem difficult to believe but such a review archive can easily reduce the volume of work that will need to be done later on.
Use the opportunity to also assess the condition of the documents that will have to be handled. Are there lots of creases, cracks, holes or other problems that may interfere with the quality of the scanned images? If that’s the case, you’ll need to get the documents prepared for scanning. Making sure that paper documents are in good condition will probably be the most important prerequisite for the creation of a high quality digital archive.
Choose the Right Moment for the Project
Here’s the issue with attempting to handle large volume scanning on your own – it will most definitely interfere with everyday work and even important processes that are related to customer satisfaction and revenue generation.
To reduce the risk of a business slowdown, choose the right moment to scan large amounts of documents.
Communicate the specifics with your document scanning team. When is a slow period for your company? When would people be working from home instead of the office? A professional team (unless over-booked) will respond to your needs and help you pick a time that’s most in line with keeping business processes uninterrupted.
You may still need to work on a few details pertaining to how to scan large amounts of documents but the tips mentioned above paint a general picture of the right approach. Don’t be afraid of outsourcing and don’t worry about the cost. Not only is it one of the best ways to build a solid digital archive, it’s also affordable and a way to keep a comprehensive scanning project from disturbing everyday workflow.