Document Scanning Service

Document Scanning Services

Looking for Document Scanning Service in CA that is quick and trustable? Allow Scan n More to tackle the situation. Ordinary paper documents are scanned and converted into usable and accessible digital formats such as PDF, PDF/OCR, PDF/A, PDF Editable, TIFF, and JPEG.

If you are looking for a document scanning service provider in CA, Scan n More is an excellent option. Scan n More Services, located in San Diego, provides clients with rapid, dependable, and reliable document scanning services that are on time and under budget.

When you live in a hybrid environment of paper and electronic information and don’t have a unified picture of your information, you and your staff waste valuable time looking for what you need. Even if you find the information you require, if it is in paper form, you will be unable to easily access or quickly share it with others, particularly your remote workforce.

We help you discover what you need when you most require it by combining Scan n More scanning skills, infrastructure, and a contemporary, secure cloud storage repository. Through a series of Backfile Conversion and Day Forward Scanning procedures, we can assist you in prioritizing and achieving your objectives. You may also have your physical mail forwarded to our secure facilities, where our team of professionals will receive, open, and scan it.

Your scanning will be handled by the same company that handles your paper documents and can assist you in managing the whole information lifecycle for both physical and digital data. You’ll be able to access your data from a single location, free up valuable workspace, and make maintaining and using your data much easier.

What is Document Scanning?

Document scanning is the process of converting regular paper documents into usable and accessible digital information. Paper papers, because of their inefficiency, represent a barrier to productivity, accessibility, and profitability for any firm. Paper documents are difficult to maintain, safeguard, and protect.

Converting these papers into electronic documents eliminates these problems while also saving money by incorporating these photos into ordinary corporate procedures. The procedure is straightforward: paper documents are fed through scanning equipment, which turns the paper document into an image. Once in the form of an image, information that characterizes it is submitted for filing.

How does our document scanning service work?

Packing and Pickup

We will come to your place to take up your documents and, if necessary, pack them for you. We do a thorough inventory to guarantee that every document is monitored and accounted for during the scanning process.


The same team who picked up your papers will deliver them right away to our scanning facility, where they will be handled delicately the entire time. All delivery crews operate company-owned vehicles and are bonded and insured.

Arrival and Inspection

To maintain a secure and properly documented chain of custody, once your papers arrive, we will check them against our initial inventory and record the transfer of documents to our scanning crew.

Document Preparation

Your papers will be processed by our staff so that they are ready for our scanners by having any obstructions to the scanning process—such as staples, paperclips, and creases—removed.

Document Scanning

To guarantee the best quality and legibility of your digital copies, your documents will be scanned using one of our high-resolution scanners.

Quality Control

Every scan will be subject to quality control to ensure that your papers have been faithfully copied. Rescanned versions of any photographs that don’t satisfy our strict quality requirements.


With the use of OCR technology and manual data entry, significant identifiers like IDs, names, or invoice numbers will be retrieved from your documents, providing text-search capabilities.


Paper is Holding You Back

Your company is under a lot of pressure to meet its strategic objectives and provide value to both internal and external stakeholders. Your ability to respond quickly is hindered by your inability to manage a combination of paper and electronic information.

You and your workers waste valuable time looking for the information you need when you live in this type of hybrid environment without having a unified picture of your information. If the information you need is in paper format, even when you do discover it, you still won’t be able to swiftly share it with others, especially your remote workers.

ServiceWhen you need it most, you can find it here

A specially created software as a service (SaaS) solution called Scan n More combines scanning of physical documents with digital storage in a safe platform for information management and content offerings.

Your paper documents’ current service provider, whom you trust, will also handle your scanning. You’ll be able to free up important workspace, have a consolidated view of your information, and greatly simplify handling and using it.

Scan n More Service

With Scan n More, you can get rid of paper at your front door. Scan n More meet your document conversion needs by scanning, indexing, and ensuring quality control. Once your mail has been converted to digital form, you may safely store, search, and retrieve it using Scan n More, our content services platform.

During the digitization process, metadata is extracted, enabling rapid and efficient searches for significant content. We will organize the delivery of your mail to one or more digital mailboxes in collaboration with you. User roles and metadata access rules ensure that only the intended recipients view the letter. Assuring remote employees, that your personnel will have instant access to your digital mail via the web and mobile devices.

With possibilities for versioning and comments, collaboration is simple. Do you need to know who modified a document or what actions were taken? The ability to track audits enables you to make sure that your processes are being followed.

With the Scan n More service, you’ll be able to:

  • From one single, safe site, you can quickly and easily search your mail.
  • Enhance collaboration with capabilities for approval workflow
  • Give workers the option of remote access
  • Provide remote access options for employees

Why use document scanning services?

Your paper papers will be completely accessible to you in a digital version thanks to our document scanning services. We can help you with speedy searches, document preservation guidelines, and future scanning strategies. Additionally, we can assist you with cloud-based document information management and convenient mobile device access.

1.   Improve workflow

Your digital documents are scanned and organized by us so you can quickly and easily discover what you’re searching for. All of your documents may be easily accessed, shared, and managed using digital documents. Thanks to enhanced searchability, you can quickly and easily locate what you’re searching for.

In the case of paper documents, precious time is lost when employees spend on average 1-2 hours per day searching through physical papers and storage for the information they want. You may recoup that time and money by using Scan n More scanning services.

2.   OCR means powerful search

With Scan n More scanning services, all of the text on your documents is captured using optical character recognition (OCR), making it simple to do keyword searches.

3.   Take your information anywhere

You can rapidly and safely access your digital information with Scan n More scanning services on almost any device, anyplace.

4.   Protect your information

Document scanning service enable you to safely convert all of your company’s assets, such as contracts, medical data, and student records, into digital files, enhancing teamwork and production. Scannable papers may be useful for any department in your business, including human resources, accounts receivable, and legal.

Additionally, social engineering theft and natural calamities might put physical and locally stored digital records in danger. Utilizing highly secure cloud-based data management and storage ensures the highest degree of information security.

5.   Cost efficiency

You can save money on storage costs as well as important office space by digitizing your papers and digitally storing them. Your teams discover what they need more quickly and simply when traveling, which also saves you time and money.

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