Paperless Law Office Tips and Procedures to Take Your Operations to the Next Level

Is it possible to set up a 100 percent paperless office? We’ve already talked about complete digitization and the issues that stand in its way. In some fields, going entirely paperless is even more challenging due to operational specifics and the types of data utilized on a daily basis.

A paperless law office – a possibility or a chimera? According to whitepapers, knowledge workers like attorneys waste more than 11 hours per week on document management challenges. This time adds up to financial losses of over 19,700 dollars per professional per year.

The legal field is highly paper-intensive but there are strategies to reduce the clutter and introduce better document organization.

The following set of paperless law office tips will shed some light on the best practices that are easy to implement without causing serious work disruptions.

Choose the Right Paperless Law Office Document Management System

Statistics show that more legal companies than ever before are increasing their expenditure on document and practice management software.

As a result of this growing interest, the niche is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 14.1 percent in the period from 2020 to 2027.

Document management and data storage solutions are not created equal.

The right document management solution is the backbone of paperless practices. It should enable effortless retrieval, document modifications, and collaboration. A solution that is cloud-based will also be accessible on the go, reducing the amount of time an attorney would have to spend at the office.

This is why examining a couple of possibilities side by side is the best way to get started. Such a comparison will give you a better idea about capabilities, customization options, and the prices of such solutions.

Start by defining your document management goal clearly. Are you interested in reducing the paper-based documentation you get from clients and have to manage? Are you striving for a true, 100 percent paperless office? Depending on the specifics of the goal, you can determine just how complex of a digital document management solution you’re going to need.

Establishing Organization-Wide Paperless Processes

Choosing the right paperless law office solution is just one step. The next one is even more important – you have to create an organization-wide culture that embraces the change and makes the most of it.

Such a culture gets established and internalized through the creation of universal protocols, workflows, and procedures.

To put these in place, you will have to answer some important questions like:

• Am I digitizing the entire legal documentation
• Am I going to discontinue the maintenance of paper-based copies completely
• How will I share necessary documentation with coworkers and clients
• How will incoming paper documents be protected and eventually destroyed
• Will I be using the existing hardware and software structure or will I be introducing new solutions

And so on. The aim of these questions is to tackle key organizational processes so that you get more clarity on the procedures and the types of professional interactions that will need to be overhauled.

Client Files Are Just One Side of the Story

A paperless law office shouldn’t put the emphasis solely on the client and case documentation. There are many other kinds of paper that will also need to be eliminated and transformed into a digital data stream.

How will you integrate emails into your document management system? How about information received during phone calls? HR and administrative information? Audit trails and compliance documentation?

Achieving a truly paperless office requires a much more globalized approach toward document management. This brings us back to the previous two steps. You need workflows in place and you also need a document management solution with powerful integration and customization possibilities. If the system enables the setting up of the right workflows, you will easily put together a centralized database that features everything required to maintain productivity and ensure data management compliance.

Involve Everyone in the Firm in the Process

As an attorney or a legal firm manager, you’re aware of some processes but you’re probably oblivious about others.

If you want a truly paperless experience from that point forward, you will have to get everyone involved.

What will you be doing with incoming documents? How will you monitor their document scanning and input into the digital document management platform? How about ensuring the security of your documentation and doing proper destruction?

Don’t be afraid to ask for input from your colleagues. The workflows and organizational systems you come up with may not necessarily be the best ones for the entire organization. As already mentioned, going paperless improves collaboration. Starting that process even before the change has been introduced can yield optimal outcomes in terms of usability.

A paperless law office may seem impossible to achieve but there are things you can do to reduce the clutter and get a high return on investment. Start by acknowledging the possibility of change. When you get your mind in the right place, change will follow soon after.