Microfilm And Microfiche Scanning

Microfilm And Microfiche Scanning And Conversion Services

The Scan N More microfilm and microfiche scanning and conversion services can create high-quality digital images for all types of private and public organizations.

By removing the cumbersome manual search and retrieval process, digital microfilm conversion optimizes record retrieval and increases the productivity of your organization. Scan N More uses the latest technology for microfilm, microfiche and aperture card conversion services.

How Do Microfilm And Microfiche Scanning And Conversion Services Work?

In the day and age of digital technology, data storage options like microfilm and microfiche have become pretty much obsolete. If you want to take your archive to the next level and set up a digital version, scanning would be the first step.

For the purpose, we use special scanners that can process the images in the best possible way. We guarantee 100 percent conversion accuracy and high-quality, adjustable grayscale output.

Microfilm can be scanned either as black and white digital images or as a grayscale version of the original. It’s also possible to choose among multiple digital formats, sticking to the ones that will make work with the archive in the future a whole lot easier.

Microfiche scanning is pretty similar to the procedure we utilize for microfilm archives. We can scan different kinds of microfiche (from 16mm up) and our technicians have the training and the work experience to optimize the digital version of every single scan.

The Benefits Of Professional Microfilm And Microfiche Scanning

Even if you have the right kind of scanner, it’s still a good idea to opt for professional assistance.

Microfilm and microfiche scanning and conversion services come with their specifics. By choosing an experienced team to handle the job, you will get all of the following benefits:

Microfilm and microfiche scanning and conversion services give you access to a comprehensive solution that will immediately transform your old-school archive. Not only will you open up space at the office, you will also make document retrieval and work with the archive a ton easier. All of these benefits are worth pursuing and you can do so at an affordable price!

Why Choose Us

Our microfilm and microfiche scanning and conversion services are reliable and flexible. We will assess the condition of your archive, we will understand what kind of output you’re looking forward to and we will deliver on the basis of these criteria.

Scan N More offers comprehensive and thorough solutions. We can scan all kinds of documents and we can establish the foundations of a high quality digital archive that will benefit your business for decades to come.

Over the years, we have worked with numerous clients, enabling them to complete a digital transformation in the quickest and most budget-friendly way possible. It’s our mission to adhere to the strictest industry standards, use high quality equipment and train our professionals so that they can make the most of even the oldest archive.

It’s Time To Transform Your Old-School Archive

Microfilm and microfiche scanning and conversion services have become a must for all companies and individuals looking for ways to upgrade their archives and protect sensitive data.

While microfilm and microfiche are both reliable and long-lived, they will eventually get damaged. You don’t want to go through such a process, especially if these carriers contain important or sentimental information.

We guarantee the quality of the output after the scanning and digitization are completed. We can also give you access to document hosting and management solutions that simplify the work with the brand new digital archive even further.

So, what are you waiting for? Professional microfilm and microfiche scanning are just a few clicks away. Contact us today to get the process started, to have your questions answered or to request a personalized quote.

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